Thursday, 9 March 2017

Rear wishbones / coilovers done...

Between the shitty weather and a lot of chopping and changing I think the rear end is about there. Not as clear cut with a lot of sitting and looking, googling and measuring.

Looks primitive but using the 1.618 to 1 ratio it gives an idea where it will sit geometry wise. I am no mechanical engineer but personally a good set of eyes does help a lot with a lot of sitting toing and froing.





 Purchased racing 1/2" rose joints, set in the inserts in place and got them tack welded.

 Again no idea if I'm using the correct size joints but from scouring the web much more powerful similar setups are even smaller.



On to getting the wishbones set up on the table and tack welded.

 Again easy to replicate, stick to the same jig and both wishbones will be identical.





I hope you get the idea........



On to the top wishbones I had no choice in the construction but had to give a kink in the front arm to compensate for the coilover shock.

 After clamping, sitting down, looking and measuring, it's about ready to tack weld. You may have noticed the nylon string in use, yes you may laugh but its still used in the motorsports world for setting up a chassis.

Now the coilovers go in and they look the bees knees even if I do say so myself................



Checking the set up and as near to zero vertical for the upright.

Got the feeling the suspension is set a little bit too high, still undecided on what size wheels to use so will leave it as it is for now.

All I need is an engine but spring will be with us soon and in a few weeks off to Tenerife with the nearest and dearest and upon my return its the bathroom pull apart time......


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